
Article posted in The Official Publication of the Powder Coating Institute, Powder Coated Tough
作者:Larry Ensley, Hubbard-Hall的技术服务经理.

It is generally accepted that paint and powder coating processes suffer from the overspray that builds up on hooks, 架, 和衣架. 结果包括电导率下降, 降低了涂层的附着力, 导致视觉效果不佳.
解决办法是尽可能频繁地清除积聚, 但这是许多涂布工觉得困难和昂贵的事情. 凿, 燃烧, 清除多余的油漆和粉末是缓慢的, 劳动密集型的过程最终会损坏挂钩和机架. 此外, swapping out hangers and 架 so they can be cleaned in an off-line process creates downtime, which is another expense most in the industry would like to reduce or eliminate.

One of the major efficiencies with implanting an in-line paint stripping process is that it drives towards LEAN manufacturing. A prevalent movement in today’s manufacturing is LEAN – a methodology that focuses on minimizing waste within production systems while maximizing productivity.


幸运的是,有一个更好的方法. This article explains how coating process operators can save money and improve quality by incorporating an in-line rack and hook stripping process.
需要粉末涂层的部件挂在金属挂钩或架子上. 这提供了一个产生静电场的电路径. Charged powder particles are drawn onto the parts, and onto the hooks, hangers, and 架. 由于这种涂层在多次循环中逐渐形成, 它降低了静电效应, 涂层附着力受损, 外表也是如此.
Coating equipment operators have tried a variety of ways to remove this build up. 这些包括:

All the methods above incur downtime and add labor cost during the cleaning methods. 它们是劳动密集型的, 有损坏衣架和衣架的风险, 最重要的是, require coaters to maintain surplus inventory of the 架 和衣架 in order to continue the paint and powder coating processes. The surplus inventory of 架 和衣架 also adds cost and consumes valuable storage space while they are not in use.

这些方法的另一种替代方法是在线剥离工艺, which adds an immersion tank to the coating process after the part unload point. Empty hangers travel through the stripping solution to remove a single coat of paint or powder build-up. 浸入式水箱内装有加热器, 循环泵, 和导入喷嘴,以减少所需的时间剥离机架. 机架被冲洗并循环回到机架装载站, 在哪里重复整理过程.

Another important consideration when designing the in-line paint stripping process is to ensure that the proper paint stripping solution is installed in the strip tank. The paint stripping solution must be compatible with the construction material of the hooks or 架 (steel, 铝, 塑料, 等.),可以被某些化学物质攻击.

被除去的涂层怎么办? The in-line paint stripping system includes in-tank agitators and a circulation system with pumps and filters. Agitation keeps the coating residue in solution until it’s drawn into the pumps. The pumps push it through filter bags that separate out much of the stripped coating. The clean stripper solution is then returned to the tank where it continues to do its job. This filtration process means there is minimal consumption of stripper and less tank maintenance, 使运营成本保持在较低水平. 这对浴缸的寿命非常重要. The time required to do this will be dependent upon routine maintenance performed on the stripper solution, 因为一个保养良好的浴缸可以无限期地持续下去.

在线脱漆系统几乎无需维护. 然而, 尽管搅拌和过滤, 一些残留物会积聚在浸液槽的底部. This needs to be decanted periodically and disposed of per local regulations. 由此产生的停机时间每年只有几个小时, and is minimal when compared to the maintenance required for other paint stripping processes. Likewise, filter bags will need periodic replacement, but again this maintenance is minimal.

Paint and powder coat operators who install in-line stripping realize benefits in four areas:

很难测量涂层粘附在基材上的程度. Sometimes the first indication of a coating problem is when it starts to flake off. While poor adhesion has many causes, inadequate electrical conductivity is a common reason. 通过在每个循环中剥离架子和衣架上多余的涂层, 不仅保证了良好的导电性, 但每次都是一致的. Poor electrical conductivity also impacts appearance which can lead to an uneven coating and defects.
Removing excess coating by hand comes with serious health and safety issues. 此外, a manual paint removal process is time consuming and labor intensive. 物理检查机架或衣架上的每个接触点是低效的, and there is wasted motion when 架 and hooks are removed from a conveyor and replaced with a clean one. 在线脱漆工艺消除了这些成本高昂的低效率问题.

如果涂装线没有运行, 它没有赚钱, 许多涂布商利润微薄, 任何产能损失都会影响盈利能力. 如果有备用的衣架和衣架,更换它们会产生成本. And if spares aren’t available, shutting the line down for cleaning can deliver a financial hit.

几乎所有的油漆剥离选项, 除了内联进程, 增加不必要的成本和劳动力. 除了, in-line stripping virtually eliminates the damage and wear caused by other removal methods. Operations that have gone to in-line stripping report labor savings of up to 67 percent as well as consistent improvements in quality yields. 成本 associated with rack and hanger replacement are also avoided by going to in-line stripping. On a high-volume line this can easily add up to thousands of dollars saved per year. Yet more savings are realized in terms of consumables used for off-line stripping.

f y我们是一个小机构?
不幸的是, not every organization has the footprint or capital to invest in an in-line paint stripping operation. 在这些情况下, an off-line chemical immersion process sized to their specific needs is recommended.

许多涂料厂的经营者认为剥离是一种不可避免的罪恶. 有些甚至不计算这个过程的成本. Those who do see in-line stripping as an opportunity to reduce costs while increasing capacity and improving product quality. The benefits that an organization can experience when implementing an in-line paint stripping process include reduction in rack repair costs, 减少实时事故, 将脱衣时间从几小时缩短到几分钟.










Excerpt: It is generally accepted that paint and powder coating processes suffer from the overspray that builds up on hooks, 架, 和衣架. 结果包括电导率下降, 降低了涂层的附着力, 导致视觉效果不佳. 解决办法是....阅读更多


Article posted in The Official Publication of the Powder Coating Institute, Powder Coated Tough
作者:Larry Ensley, Hubbard-Hall的技术服务经理.

It is generally accepted that paint and powder coating processes suffer from the overspray that builds up on hooks, 架, 和衣架. 结果包括电导率下降, 降低了涂层的附着力, 导致视觉效果不佳.
解决办法是尽可能频繁地清除积聚, 但这是许多涂布工觉得困难和昂贵的事情. 凿, 燃烧, 清除多余的油漆和粉末是缓慢的, 劳动密集型的过程最终会损坏挂钩和机架. 此外, swapping out hangers and 架 so they can be cleaned in an off-line process creates downtime, which is another expense most in the industry would like to reduce or eliminate.

One of the major efficiencies with implanting an in-line paint stripping process is that it drives towards LEAN manufacturing. A prevalent movement in today’s manufacturing is LEAN – a methodology that focuses on minimizing waste within production systems while maximizing productivity.


幸运的是,有一个更好的方法. This article explains how coating process operators can save money and improve quality by incorporating an in-line rack and hook stripping process.
需要粉末涂层的部件挂在金属挂钩或架子上. 这提供了一个产生静电场的电路径. Charged powder particles are drawn onto the parts, and onto the hooks, hangers, and 架. 由于这种涂层在多次循环中逐渐形成, 它降低了静电效应, 涂层附着力受损, 外表也是如此.
Coating equipment operators have tried a variety of ways to remove this build up. 这些包括:

All the methods above incur downtime and add labor cost during the cleaning methods. 它们是劳动密集型的, 有损坏衣架和衣架的风险, 最重要的是, require coaters to maintain surplus inventory of the 架 和衣架 in order to continue the paint and powder coating processes. The surplus inventory of 架 和衣架 also adds cost and consumes valuable storage space while they are not in use.

这些方法的另一种替代方法是在线剥离工艺, which adds an immersion tank to the coating process after the part unload point. Empty hangers travel through the stripping solution to remove a single coat of paint or powder build-up. 浸入式水箱内装有加热器, 循环泵, 和导入喷嘴,以减少所需的时间剥离机架. 机架被冲洗并循环回到机架装载站, 在哪里重复整理过程.

Another important consideration when designing the in-line paint stripping process is to ensure that the proper paint stripping solution is installed in the strip tank. The paint stripping solution must be compatible with the construction material of the hooks or 架 (steel, 铝, 塑料, 等.),可以被某些化学物质攻击.

被除去的涂层怎么办? The in-line paint stripping system includes in-tank agitators and a circulation system with pumps and filters. Agitation keeps the coating residue in solution until it’s drawn into the pumps. The pumps push it through filter bags that separate out much of the stripped coating. The clean stripper solution is then returned to the tank where it continues to do its job. This filtration process means there is minimal consumption of stripper and less tank maintenance, 使运营成本保持在较低水平. 这对浴缸的寿命非常重要. The time required to do this will be dependent upon routine maintenance performed on the stripper solution, 因为一个保养良好的浴缸可以无限期地持续下去.

在线脱漆系统几乎无需维护. 然而, 尽管搅拌和过滤, 一些残留物会积聚在浸液槽的底部. This needs to be decanted periodically and disposed of per local regulations. 由此产生的停机时间每年只有几个小时, and is minimal when compared to the maintenance required for other paint stripping processes. Likewise, filter bags will need periodic replacement, but again this maintenance is minimal.

Paint and powder coat operators who install in-line stripping realize benefits in four areas:

很难测量涂层粘附在基材上的程度. Sometimes the first indication of a coating problem is when it starts to flake off. While poor adhesion has many causes, inadequate electrical conductivity is a common reason. 通过在每个循环中剥离架子和衣架上多余的涂层, 不仅保证了良好的导电性, 但每次都是一致的. Poor electrical conductivity also impacts appearance which can lead to an uneven coating and defects.
Removing excess coating by hand comes with serious health and safety issues. 此外, a manual paint removal process is time consuming and labor intensive. 物理检查机架或衣架上的每个接触点是低效的, and there is wasted motion when 架 and hooks are removed from a conveyor and replaced with a clean one. 在线脱漆工艺消除了这些成本高昂的低效率问题.

如果涂装线没有运行, 它没有赚钱, 许多涂布商利润微薄, 任何产能损失都会影响盈利能力. 如果有备用的衣架和衣架,更换它们会产生成本. And if spares aren’t available, shutting the line down for cleaning can deliver a financial hit.

几乎所有的油漆剥离选项, 除了内联进程, 增加不必要的成本和劳动力. 除了, in-line stripping virtually eliminates the damage and wear caused by other removal methods. Operations that have gone to in-line stripping report labor savings of up to 67 percent as well as consistent improvements in quality yields. 成本 associated with rack and hanger replacement are also avoided by going to in-line stripping. On a high-volume line this can easily add up to thousands of dollars saved per year. Yet more savings are realized in terms of consumables used for off-line stripping.

f y我们是一个小机构?
不幸的是, not every organization has the footprint or capital to invest in an in-line paint stripping operation. 在这些情况下, an off-line chemical immersion process sized to their specific needs is recommended.

许多涂料厂的经营者认为剥离是一种不可避免的罪恶. 有些甚至不计算这个过程的成本. Those who do see in-line stripping as an opportunity to reduce costs while increasing capacity and improving product quality. The benefits that an organization can experience when implementing an in-line paint stripping process include reduction in rack repair costs, 减少实时事故, 将脱衣时间从几小时缩短到几分钟.

